Guided Inquiry Design Starter Kit

These resources will assist you to reinforce the Guided Inquiry Design concepts in your school and assist students with their learning in your library.
Choose from either the Primary Kit or the Secondary Kit depending on your schools needs.
This product Includes:
- Guided Inquiry Design: A framework for Inquiry in your School (#5569)
- Guided Inquiry Design in Action: Middle School (#7948)
- Guided Inquiry Design in Action: Elementary School (#7562) (PRIMARY KIT ONLY)
- Guided Inquiry Design in Action: High School (#7744) (SECONDARY KIT ONLY)
- Guided Inquiry Design Digital Downloadable Resource (#8007) - includes license to use Guided Inquiry Design Icons in your school - PDF Guided Inquiry Design Posters (Colour & B&W) - 19 Guided Inquiry Design support activities
- A set of 9 A3 Guided Inquiry Design Laminated Posters (#9516)
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